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Faculty Profile
Stewart Diemont

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Stewart  Diemont

Associate Professor

Department of Environmental Biology
460 Illick Hall

Office: 460 Illick Hall

Lab: 221 Illick Hall

Selected Publications

*Falkowski, T.B., Chankin, A., Lehmann, J., Drinkwater, L.E., Diemont, S.A. and Nigh, R., 2023. 恰帕斯州拉坎多纳森林传统玛雅农林业粗放式管理的社会生态效应, Mexico. Journal of Environmental Management, 341, p.118035.

*Pérez-Volkow, L., Diemont, S.A., Selfa, T., Morales, H. and Casas, A., 2023. 从雨林到餐桌:拉坎登玛雅女性对拉坎杰昌萨亚布多样化的景观和饮食至关重要, Mexico. Agriculture and Human Values, 40(1), pp.259-275.

*Falkowski, T.B., Jorgensen, B., Rakow, D.A., *Das, A., Diemont, S.A., Selfa, T. and *Arrington, A.B., 2022. “与好人和好植物联系”:2019冠状病毒病大流行期间纽约州社区园丁的经验. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, p.229.

*Peréz Volkow, L., Chank'in, A., Diemont, S. A. W., 2022. Chan nikté visita a sus abuelos. El Colegio de La Frontera Sur Press.

*Garcia Polo, J., Diemont, S. A. W., Armas, S. M., & Mora, M., 2022. 危地马拉情况监测ecológicas y vegetación本地监测región沿海监测Atitlán危地马拉usando遥感器. 危地马拉山谷大学复会, 42, 37-46.

Diemont, S. A. W., Soto-Pinto, L., & Jimenez-Ferrer, G., 2021. 农林业概览及其在墨西哥背景下的相关性. North American Agroforestry, 521-541. Springer, Cham.

*Falkowski, T. B., & Diemont, S. A. W., 2021. Cultural Ecosystem Services in Agroforests. Agroforestry and Ecosystem Services, 361-387. Springer, Cham.

*Mokashi, S. A., & Diemont, S. A. W., 2021. 拒绝进入:了解印度西部妇女与神圣森林之间的关系. Oryx, 55(6), 827-834.

*Garcia-Polo, J., *Falkowski, T. B., *Mokashi, S.A., *Law, E.P., *Fix, A. J., & Diemont, S. A. W., 2021. 恢复生态系统并吃掉它们:来自农业生态学的可持续性指导. Restoration Ecology, 29(8), e13509.

*Falkowski, T.B., J.R. Vázquez Pérez, A. Chankin, A. Campos, J. L. Rangel Salazar, J. B. Cohen, S.AW. Diemont, 2020. 沿演替梯度评估拉坎东玛雅传统农林业鸟类多样性和群落组成, Biotropica, 52(6), pp.1242-1252.

*Law, E.P., *E. Arnow, S.A.W. Diemont, 2020. 老田生态系统服务:立地准备和收获对传统粮食植物恢复和生产力的影响, Ecological Engineering, 158, p.105999.

*Falkowski, T.B., A. Chankin, S.A.W. Diemont, 2020. 拉坎东玛雅传统农林业植被和凋落物结构的演替变化. 农业与可持续粮食系统,44(6):747-767.

*Bunge, A., S.AW. Diemont, J.A. Bunge., S. Harris, S., 2019. 城市觅食的粮食安全和主权:量化锡拉丘兹可食用森林产量, 纽约使用四种常见的生产水果和坚果的街道树种. Journal of Urban Ecology, 5(1), p.juy028.

Diemont, S.A.W., T. Toland, 2019. 面向更整体系统的城市设计:改进学科整合和可持续性评估 In: M. Hall, S. Balogh (eds.理解城市生态学:一个跨学科的系统方法. Springer.

*Falkowski, T.B., D. Douterlungne, A. Chankin, S.A.W. Diemont, 2018. 五种拉坎东玛雅农林业树种对土壤线虫营养类群组成及演替动态的影响. Agroforestry Systems,

*Law, E.P., S.A.W. Diemont, T. Toland, 2017. 使用能源评估的绿色基础设施干预措施的可持续性比较. Journal of Cleaner Production 145: 374–385.

*Hamberg, L.J., S. Findlay, K.E. Limburg, S.A.W. Diemont, 2017. 哈德逊河美洲山谷植物的草食和风暴后沉积物埋藏机制. Restoration Ecology doi:10.1111/rec.12477.

*Arrington, A., S.A.W. Diemont, C. Phillips, E. Welty, 2017. 美国的人口统计和景观水平的城市觅食趋势来源于网络和移动应用程序的使用, Urban Ecology, accepted with minor revision, in press.

*Falkowski, T.B., S.A.W. Diemont, A. Chankin, D.R. Douterlungne, 2016. 拉坎东玛雅传统生态知识与雨林恢复:六种农林复合系统树木下的土壤肥力. Ecological Engineering 92: 210-217.

*Nava-Lopez, M., S.A.W. Diemont, M. Hall, V. Avila-Akerberg, 2016. 河岸缓冲带和整个流域对河流水质的影响:对特大城市附近生态系统服务的启示. Environmental Processes 3(2): 277-305.

*Barlet, N.T., S.A.W. Diemont, M.A. Teece, K.L. Schulz, 2015. 废水生态处理系统中的新兴微生物食物网:来自稳定碳同位素的见解. Ecological Engineering, 62-71.

*Falkowski, T.B., *I. Martinez-Bautista, S.A.W. Diemont, 2015. 传统的生态知识教育对资源有限的未来有多大价值?对两个墨西哥村庄的能量评估. Ecological Modelling 300: 40-49.

Beutel, M. W., S.A.W. Diemont, D. Reinhold, 2015. 美国生态工程学会第13届年会:生态工程与21世纪的曙光. Ecological Engineering 78: 1-5.

Nigh, R., S.A.W. Diemont, 2014. 玛雅米尔帕:火和活土的遗产. 生态与环境学报(自然科学版)11 (5):945 - 954.

*Bohn, J., S.A.W. Diemont, J. Gibbs, S. Stehman, and J. Mendoza 2014. 卡拉克穆尔生物圈保护区玛雅森林恢复和自给农业对生物多样性保护的意义, Mexico. Agroforestry Systems 88: 269-285.

Ferguson, B.G., S.A.W. Diemont, †R. Alfaro, J.F. Martin, J.N. Toral, J.D. Álvarez Solís, 2013. 恰帕斯州季节性干燥热带地区整体和传统畜牧业的可持续性, Mexico. Agricultural Systems 120: 38-48.

*Lin, H., S.A.W. Diemont, T. Toland, D. Daley, W. Tao, D. Johnson, 2013. 食品垃圾消化液的微滤生态处理再利用. Water Environment Research 85(11): 2184-2193.

Endreny, T. A., S.A.W. Diemont, 2012. 考古遗址雨水管理评估方法:科潘遗址案例研究. 考古学报,39(8):2637-2642.

Cheng, K., S.A.W. Diemont, and A.P. Drew, 2011. 陶(Belotia mexicana)在传统拉坎顿玛雅人的移动耕作中的作用. Agroforestry systems 82(3): 331-336.

Diemont, S.A.W., *J. Bohn, *D. Rayome, *S. Kelsen, and †K.Cheng, 2011. 玛雅森林管理、恢复和保护的比较. 森林生态与管理,26 (10):1696-1705.

Martin, J.F., E. Roy, S.A.W. Diemont, and B.G. Ferguson, 2010. 传统生态知识(TEK):生态工程的理念、灵感和设计. Ecological Engineering 36: 839-849.

†Alfaro, R., S.A.W. Diemont, B.G. Ferguson, J.F. Martin, J. Nahed, D. Álvarez, and R. Pinto Ruíz, 2010. 迈向可持续牧场的步骤:恰帕斯州传统和整体管理的能源评估, Mexico. Agricultural Systems 103(9): 639-646.

Diemont, S.A.W., T.J. Lawrence, and T.A. Endreny, 2010. 展望生态工程教育:一项网赌平台和专业社区调查. Ecological Engineering 36: 570-578.

Diemont, S.A.W., J.F. Martin, 2009. 拉坎东玛雅生态管理:环境恢复和人类生存的可持续设计. Ecological Applications 19: 254-266.

Diemont, S.A.W., J.F. Martin, S.I. Levy-Tacher, R.B. Nigh, P. Ramirez-Lopez, and J. D. Golicher, 2006. 拉坎东玛雅森林管理:利用本地树种恢复土壤肥力. Ecological Engineering 28: 205-212.

Martin, J.F., S.A.W. Diemont, E. Powell, M. Stanton, and S.I. Levy-Tacher, 2006. 三种不同规模和管理的农业系统绩效和可持续性的能值评价. 农业生态系统与环境(115):128-140.

Diemont, S.A.W., 2006. 洪都拉斯热带湿地处理系统的蚊幼虫密度和污染物去除. Environment International 32: 332-341.

Diemont, S.A.W., J.F. Martin, and S.I. Levy-Tacher, 2006. 墨西哥恰帕斯州拉坎东玛雅土著湿地农林业的能值评价. Agroforestry Systems 66: 23-42.

Diemont, S.A.W., J.F. Martin, 2005. 管理对恰帕斯土著农林业系统线虫群落营养多样性的影响, Mexico. Pedobiologia 49: 325-334.

* Advisee

Current Graduate Advisees

Anna BeachAnna Beach

  • Degree Sought: MS
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Diemont
  • Area of Study: Environmental & Forest Biology

Elizabeth Kehas-DewagheElizabeth Kehas-Dewaghe

  • Degree Sought: MS
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Diemont
  • Area of Study: ESC Ecosystem Restoration

Olivia KurzOlivia Kurz

  • Degree Sought: PHD
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Diemont and Lamit
  • Area of Study: EFB Conservation Biology

Autumn RaaschAutumn Raasch

  • Degree Sought: MS
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Selfa and Diemont
  • Area of Study: Environmental Science

Kshirajaa RameshKshirajaa Ramesh

  • Degree Sought: MS
  • Graduate Advisor(s): Diemont and Selfa
  • Area of Study: Environmental Science